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News Article

Under the Marquee (May/June 2003) 
Posted 6/12/2003 7:25:52 PM  by Webmaster
Report from President Bill Rector viewed 6644 times

Thursday, June 12, 2003 - The White Tops
This past winter has been a tough one for most people, but here in Florida (on vacation) it feels like Circus Weather, with temperatures in the 80s. A big relief from past cold weather.

We were able to take in Circus Sarasota during March. It is a classy and an up and coming circus that will be heard from in the future. All acts were top flight.

Also, the Ringling Art Gallery, the Circus Museum and Mansion should be a stop for all to enjoy.

Quite often I take in the Swap-Shop Circus, enjoying the talents of world famous touring acts. After many seasons this one-ringer continually packs'em in. Under the direction of Victoria and George Hanneford, their one hour presentation is tops in music, lighting and wardrobe. If at all possible, make every effort to see it.

On March 11 and 12,2003, I represented the CFA at a pre-show luncheon and opening of the Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus in DeLand, Florida. Situated on a large lot with plenty of parking, the beautiful yellow and red stripped Big Top was a camera fans perfect picture, with American flags blowing in the breeze atop its 8-masted supports. It is a Circus Fans dream come true.

John and Brigitte have done it again. With several new acts this circus should be a real winner as it has everything to entertain and thrill. Look for it as it moves up and around the U.S. Route 1-95 corridor - you won't be disappointed with this real circus.

Since taking office I feel proud that there are 45 to 50 new CFA members on our rolls.

As we've often said, when you attend a circus, indoors at an arena, or in the Big Top outdoors, be sure to take along a new CFA Membership Application. Many performers have informed me that they have been invited to become CFA members, but there wasn't an application available with which to fill out and join. Look ahead and remember there are many who are waiting for someone to ask them to join.

Let's make a deal and remember my President's Award (for the most new members) will be in effect until our Big E Convention, in September. First prize is $150.00 - second prize $100 and third prize $75. Follow the Arrows ... take a child to the Circus and your life will be really fulfilled and glorious.



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