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News Article

Posters for 'Big E"! 
Posted 8/27/2003 8:52:19 AM  by Editor
News from Dan McGinnis viewed 1452 times

Wednesday, August 27, 2003 - Wsest Springfield, MA
The only way you can get them is by attending this years convention. It is not to late to register. You have until Mon. Sept 15th.

The posters just arrived from Bill Biggerstaff! They are fantastic!!!!!!! These are sure to be collectors items. The only way you can get them is by attending this years convention.  The support from the circus industry has been excellent. Bill called today and is sending 2 more shows out. That is 6 different posters that are just unbelievable!!! Bill is one of a kind and a super CFA fan and supporter.

The Guilford,Conn. fair Sept19-21st will feature the entire Wallenda Family and they will do the SEVEN person pyramid. This is right after convention so you may want to stay over a few days to see them.

There are other plans in the works for this convention. As they unfold we will inform all. It is not to late to register. You have until Mon. Sept 15th. However if you are only planning to attend the closing banquet we need to know by Sept 10th and the price for dinner only is $30. We look forward to seeing everyone. Our goal is to insure everyone has a good time.

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