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News Article

Dick Garden's all new Toby Tyler Circus 
Posted 1/3/2004 4:59:18 AM  by Editor
News from Harry Kingston viewed 6337 times

Saturday, January 03, 2004 - Beaumont, TX
Dick Gardens, all new Toby Tyler Circus is getting ready at a very fast pace at the Beaumont, Texas fairgrounds.

Dick Gardens, all new Toby Tyler Circus is getting ready at a very fast pace at the Beaumont, Texas fairgrounds.  The crew has repainted everything in the new color scheme that had purple and lime green in it.  All truck and trailer rigs have the coat of paint on them waiting for the new logo on decals.

Alot of the acts are back from Christmas break and more rigs are rolling in every day.  The back yard is getting bigger and bigger.

Martin Espana, is getting ready to raise the new one ring tent and just is waiting for all the Texas cold fronts complete with high winds to pass by.  This is an all new design as the center poles all had to be extended for the tent.  Martin has taken no chance in having this tent blown away.  The main guys are double and triple staked.

Dick Gardens two twins, Zach and Tiffany are in from Christmas vacation spending it on there Dad's circus.  Zach, says he plans on taking out a circus of his own in two years and will play tent and arenas like his Dad's show.

Had a great visit with Ben DeWayne, and we cut up a many a jackpott.  One of the best was when he was up in the Cow Place doing rigging and was up there so long they locked the door where he had to come down from.  He was up there over 4 and 1/2 hours before someone could unlock the door to let him down.  Such is  circus business.

The have 4 small truck trailer bodies that Pete Luvas will make into wheeled arena wagons that they can roll right into the buildings to unload there equipment.

They start rehersals on Dec. 30th and the first show is Jan. 6th here in Beaumont and then they start East and the tent tour will start in March.

This circus is very fan friendly and I cannot tell you all how much fun I have had with Dick Garden and his crew as everyone has been so so nice to this fan.  What a Christmas present to have a circus in town for the winter and see all the building going on here. Thank you Toby Tyler Circus folks for being so nice to this fan.

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