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RBBB "Hometown Edition" prepares to hit the road 
Posted 3/2/2004 12:37:03 AM  by Editor
News from Editor viewed 1441 times

Tuesday, March 02, 2004 - St. Petersburg, FL
Ringling's new "Hometown Edition" starts the tour March 9, headed for small town America and the June 14-20 CFA Convention in Tennessee!

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s new Gold Unit, the “Hometown Edition” is getting ready for its debut at The Forum in Rome, GA on March 9.  The new one ring arena show is currently in rehearsals at the Bay Front Center in St. Petersburg, FL.  There are two dress preview shows on March 3 and March 4 before the new unit packs up and moves to the premier in Rome.  This show will move over the road by truck.




There is a new circus in town, boasting the latest in technology and interactive live performances. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Hometown Edition is a whole new approach to live entertainment, but it is steeped in circus tradition, boasting seven generations of family acts. As it rolls into towns and cities across America, including some places that have never seen a Ringling Bros. show, these performers will be continuing a 134-year-old tradition: our family performing for your family.

Circus is the ultimate family affair. In today's world, there simply aren't many "industries" that employ multiple generations of workers who willingly follow the family tradition. Simply put, the circus is the most family-friendly workplace in the world!

Consider this: Most world-class athletes and entertainers must spend a good part of each year separated from their loved ones as they play ball, skate, swim or sing and dance at venues around the globe. But the fabulously fit circus performers who walk the high wires, swing from trapezes and perform with elephants, gators and horses do so with the happy knowledge that they'll sit down with their families every night for dinner.

Like most performers, Ted McRae, the host of Ringling Bros. Hometown Edition, travels with his wife and family. Adrian, the oldest of their three boys, even helps his dad during the show sometimes. "The family is together the whole time," says Ted. "We travel together and the kids go to school in the building that we play. We have a rare kind of togetherness and we love it."

The education their children receive is top-notch, boasting teacher-student ratios that rival the best private schools, and they experience unparalleled field trips. Of course there are special challenges connected to life on the road with a family, like getting to know the doctors and dentists in each town. But while they may travel a great deal, circus kids have the special advantage of spending a tremendous amount of time with their parents and siblings.

"The biggest misconception is that we're gypsies," claims clown Jon Weiss, father of three. "We have benefits, we have health care. We are professionals. We're committed to our craft, and we are hardworking, dedicated family people."

"It's a very hectic life, don't get me wrong," Jon adds. "We're busy all the time." Still, their lifestyle allows him and his wife, Laura, to take their children to museums and historic sites all around the country. The kids learn in their classes about the Liberty Bell, and then, when the tour hits Philadelphia, the family gets to experience the lesson in person. "We have a chance to do some marvelous things throughout the United States because of our tour schedule."

The tradition of family in the circus means many things: It is the third generation of Felds who produce and create the shows, it is each family of performers, it is each family in the audience, and it is the global Circus Family. Ted McRae notes that his son's friends are from Brazil, South Africa, Mexico and Canada. The circus seems to be the ultimate melting pot. Jon agrees: "The important thing is that we never prejudge somebody. That's one of the most important things that my children will ever learn. That no matter who we are, we are all the same. My kids don't see race or color."

The España family is an international fusion all by itself, and a great illustration of the mutigenerational, multicultural circus. Brothers Noe, Ivan and Ramon are fifth generation performers, Dessi (Ivan's wife) is second-generation and Vivien (Noe's wife) is seventh-generation. All are American citizens, but in true circus fashion they represent not only the US but also Mexico, Bulgaria and Italy.

The Españas are happy that Ringling Bros. Hometown Edition not only showcases their talents, but also treats audiences to fun facts about the performers and their families. They want people to know the hard work and dedication behind each show. As Dessi says, "You love performing, but the performing part is the least of what we do! What's in the spotlight is such a small portion of it. So much is in the preparation."

The circus really is a community unto itself that travels to other communities throughout the nation. Performers drive to each town and then set up the arena. They are responsible for their rigging and their equipment as well as rehearsals and performances. And their families are with them for all of it. Some of the children already work with their parents in the show. Still others can't wait for their chance to take part. So, do the parents want their children to continue the family tradition?

While each parent says they will respect their child's decision when it comes to a future career, most echo the sentiment expressed by Ivan España: "This is who I was born to be. I most definitely hope it's what my kids want to be in the future."

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