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News Article

Convention Update! 
Posted 5/20/2004 6:48:17 PM  by Editor
News from Cherie Valentine viewed 1309 times

Thursday, May 20, 2004 - Pigeon Forge, TN
Hi everyone. I spoke to Bart last night and he has created a lot of entertainment for us. Reservations are coming in, but let's get those to him as soon as you know you will be attending the convention.

The speakers at the seminars will include Debbie Walk, from the Ringling Museum, Dave Price of the Circus Historical Society and author Ernest Albrecht. Mary Lou Kelly from Ringling will also speak.

The Banquet Speaker will be William Hall III--columnist for the White Tops for many years.

Bart has received some items for the auction, but let's send him some more. We need to give Harmen a workout!!

For those of you that can come early or stay later, there is Dollywood!!  The Travel Channel has been showing Dollywood, so see if you can find it in your listings.

We are getting a big discount on Dixie Stampede and you can check out their web site at

And be sure to check out our trip to the Country Tonite Show at

And when we go to Ringling's Hometown show, I want every one of you to write down how those little dogs do their tricks!! And the baby gator too--how does it stay sitting by the ring curb??? I WILL ask questions later!!

So you call or write Bart at POB 213, Knoxville, TN 37901 or 865-458-3739 or

Registration is $100 per person; children 17 and under $25 each;
Dixie Stampede is $30 per person;
Celebrity Luncheon is $10 per person;
Country Tonite Show is $12.75 per person;
Tent and Top Lunch is $10 per person ( I have to check with Bart to see what that is);
Convention t-shirts are $10 each.

Included with your registration is the Hillbilly Fish Fry on Thursday evening; ticket to Ringling's Hometown show and transportation-it is in Johnson City; and the CFA Banquet on Saturday evening.

You know there will be a good time with Sheelagh Jones, Rich Deptula, and me coming!! But also coming are Circus Vern and Harmen!! Right there is enough to run for your pens and sign up!!

Bart said there is no deadline--he just wants all of you to come!! So contact him and let him know you are coming!

Cherie Valentine

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