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News Article

TENT 24 Announces Memorial Gift In Honor of Father Jack Toner 
Posted 8/25/2004 8:17:34 PM  by Editor
Announcement from Gary C. Payne viewed 803 times

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - Hartford, CT
Fr.Jack Toner/Bluch Landolf Tent 24 announces that they are soliciting monetary gifts to a fund in honer of our namesake, the late GREAT Father Jack Toner.

Hartford, CT

$1200. Raised, and more on the way!

Fr.Jack Toner/Bluch Landolf Tent 24 announces that they are soliciting monetary gifts to a fund in honer of our namesake, the late GREAT Father Jack Toner.  The membership of the tent was poled (as meetings do not resume until Sept. 13) and it was determined unanamously that funds should be agressively pursued for the "Circus and Traveling Shows Retirement Project, Inc.", as Fr. Jack himself would have requested.  The Tent will also pursue placing a memorial brick at the site of the Hartford Circus Fire, not far from Fr. Jack's final resting place.  Members of CFA, showfolks, and fans at large are asked to contribute to the fund.  You may mail your checks made payable to "Circus and Traveling Shows Retirement Project Inc."  PO Box 2085  , Sarasota, FLA  34230

To date, Tent 24 has raised more than $1200.00 in Fr. Jack's name, and the amount is still growing.  Please mark any contribution you the notation area of your personal check....."In memory of Fr. Jack Toner". 

Please advise Tent 24 Secretary, Gary Payne, of your contribution, so that we may recognize your support in our records and at our next meeting.  You may Email Gary Payne -   or phone 860-833-7925.  Or mail a letter to Gary C.Payne, Secretary, CFA Tent 24    , 29 Burnside Av.  , Plainville, CT  06062

Thank you for your support.

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