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News Article

A Call to Action for CFA Members 
Posted 8/9/2004 9:51:30 PM  by Webmaster
News from Bob Goldsack viewed 2952 times

Monday, August 09, 2004 - The White Tops
Following is a reprint of the "EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK" by Bob Goldsack from the July August 2004 edition of The White Tops. It asks some important questions regarding the CFA.


It seems like I spend considerable time thinking about the CFA, its purpose, goals, needs, future and anything else that comes to mind. Apparently the thoughts come from the many telephone calls, letters and notes I receive. Everyone seems to have their own agenda and it kind of reminds me of politics in our own government, where people only want what they want, and very few ever really step up and try to change things, and if they do they are heavily criticized.

The above statement isn't meant to scold anyone but to just set the stage for what follows.

As I peruse our bylaws and read back through The White Tops in my collection, that date back over 70 years, I find out where we've been, what's been done in the past, which in turn, starts me dreaming about the present and the future.

At present, we are not a very active organization. This of course, is the norm for most organizations throughout the country, but do we want to be like most other organizations?

We have the annual convention which provides a wonderful time for members to meet other members and enjoy the circus, but due to the high costs of the convention and travel, illness, inability to travel, and many other reasons associated with the age of members, limits attendance to less than 10% of the total membership.

With few exceptions, Tent meetings or gatherings are held only once or twice a year.

After that, there is only the reading The White Tops, which cannot be considered an activity. As Peggy Lee once recorded "Is That All There is?"

What is the answer? What should CFA members be doing that they are not presently doing? What can we do? And of course, do we really want to do anything else?

The following are just a few thoughts and as always, the purpose of this article, is hopefully to stimulate the thinking of CFA members who might try initiating these ideas or take them to another level.

The biggest problem regarding activities, is the distance most of the people in each Tent live from each other, despite the fact that they live in the same state. Where there were a number of Tents in many states, due to various reasons the number of active Tents has shrunk considerably.

One way to increase participation could be to establish a weekend or a few days to get area members together. This can be similar to what David Orr and his group do in Altoona or what Amos Bolieau is doing when Ringling arrives in Manchester, NH in October.

Why not regional meetings or just area meetings where travel distance is not a problem.

Then what about activities?

There has never been a better or more important time for CFA members to promote, in a positive manner, the Circus Fans Association and the traditional American Circus.

In old White Tops there are stories of how CFA Tents and/or Tops entered circus-theme floats in local parades or worked to have a Circus Day or Circus Week proclaimed in towns and cities. In celebrating the day or week, exhibits were placed in libraries, store windows, schools and other very visible locations.

There are a number of classroom circuses produced in various schools, but only be- cause the teacher thought of it. Why not actively promote a circus in schools? The idea here is to help the children with a combination of history, English, art, science and physical education.

What about booths at local fairs or exhibitions telling who we are?

Although this has been suggested for years, why can't each Tent start a speakers bureau and be available to speak at schools, civic clubs (always looking for speakers) historical societies and other organizations? Either a member of the Tent or the CFA PR Committee could write up an outline for a speech and work in some photographs. Several members could join together to give the presentation.

What about sponsoring a Circus Art Contest or show? This can be done on many levels right up to professionals.

There are many railroad shows around the country. CMB members often display their models but why not a CFA booth?

In this edition of The White Tops a detailed story is published about creating puppets and putting on puppet shows. This involves creating a complete circus puppet show. Why can't groups or Tents take this as a project; first to design and create the puppets, next build the stage and props and then rehearse and present a happy circus theme play written by one of the participants.

And, of course, don't forget projects such as letter campaigns to get local media to give a positive view of the American Circus.

As time allows, we will attempt to offer other ideas about how our members can get involved in promoting our Circus Fans organization and the Circus itself.

Bob Goldsack

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