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News Article

Circus Model Display at the Great New York State Fair 
Posted 8/29/2004 10:51:04 PM  by Editor
News from Don Kowell viewed 1020 times

Thursday, August 26, 2004 - Syracus, NY
The Hoxie Tucker Ring No 73 of Central New York has a 3000 sq ft circus model display and exhibition at the Great New York State Fair in Syracuse NY. The fair runs from August 26th thru Labor day September 6th 2004.

The display features both circus and carnival models of both past and present day eras. Thirteen model builders from the Syracuse and Central New York State area have put together this show. It features 17 different circus and carnival exhibits. One of the main features is an HO scale model of the current James E Strates shows carnival, hand  built by Bill Pfiffer of Rochester NY. This display features all the rides and joints currently set up on the midway of the NY State fair, which is of course the Strates shows ( Strates Shows has been the fair carnival for several decades).

For the carnival history buffs Dick Bennett of Syracuse has on display a complete model of the James E Strates Shows train of 1962  entirely scratch built in 1/4" scale. The train is over 72 ft long over all.  Reithoffer shows and Royal American shows are also modeled and displayed by several other model builders.  Fred Regan has a tremendous animated carnival layout over 24 ft long with many working rides to numerous to mention.

Also new this year are the 3/4" scale models exhibited by Jim Buchey from Oswego NY. These fine models were constructed by his dad the late Wallace Buchey.  Many of these were scratch built over 50 years ago.  These fine models represent exact detail of an era long gone of the heyday of the American tent circus of the 1930's.

There are many other circus model displays shown that feature the circus of yesterday as well as the truck shows of today.  Information is provided at the display to promote all the circus related organizations, CMB , CFA , CHS, CHMB , and others.  Plenty of hand outs are available. There is even a working model train layout with over 5 trains running at any given time. This display is a big hit with the fairgoers.

The exhibit is located in the Art and Home Center building exhibition hall  at the New York State Fair.  The display is free and is open daily the entire run of the fair.  By the way the fair features several circus related acts and entertainment including the Coronas Circus and Marcan's tigers just to name a few.

If you are in the area this next week, come and enjoy this great display at the New York State Fair in Syracuse NY.

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