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News Article

Wayne McCary Tent Meeting at Big E 
Posted 10/1/2004 8:56:27 AM  by Editor
News from Circusvern viewed 678 times

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - West Springfield, MA
At the Eastern States Exposition today, Wayne McCary dedicated a "STAR" on the walkway to the Big E Circus to the late Fr. Jack Toner.

In weather that at times was a monsoon rain event the show did go on. In honor of the memory of Father Jack Toner beloved circus Chaplin close to 100 fans, performers and Big E personnel were in attendance. Held at the Italian Pavilion the meeting started 10 minutes late as arriving guests were delayed by the weather. Dick Hamilton Tent treasurer opened the meeting and after grace a meal of chicken or pork was served.  The head table consisted of Dick Hamilton, Jane Kycia, Wayne McCary, Tommy & Struppi Hanneford , Carol Pederzani , Father Jerry Hogan, Greg Cheicko and myself.

Wayne McCary was honored speaker. He recongized Tommy Hanneford as America's greatest circus legend. He also thanked Bob Commerford for his participation at the Big E. Wayne also presented Ron Richards and Clyde Reynolds with beautiful framed pictures for their involvement in making the Circus Museum a stellar Big E attraction. Wayne spoke loving of Father Jack and how he missed seeing him sitting on the bench in front of the Brooks building.  Jane Kycia who was very close to Father Jack gave a wonderful heart felt talk on the many year she knew him.

Heidi Herriott talked about the new OABA elephant pins and how a big victory was won in Canada that will allow animals to be once again a part of the circus performance.

Father Hogan recalled his years of knowing Father Jack and how Father Jack gave so much of himself to all of us.

After lunch all went to see the circus performance. Another great show produced by Wayne McCary. After the show a brick was dedicated to Father Jack. Ribbion cutting was done by Tommy Hanneford , Pedro Carillo and Cesar who have bricks on the walkway. Cake and punch was served afterwards.

A great day in spite of the weather honoring the memory of a truly loved and respected priest, Father Jack Toner.

At the Eastern States Exposition today, Wayne McCary dedicated a "STAR" on the walkway to the Big E Circus (A Tommy Hanneford/Wayne McCary production) to the late Fr. Jack Toner.   Rain, at times torrential, didn't keep the CFA away.  A crowd nearly as large as that a year ago at the CFA Convention, jammed into the Italian Pavilion for a great lunch, followed by the spectacular CIRCUS under Tommy's Big Top.   Tommy Hanneford, Cesar, and Pedro Carillo cut the ribbon to Fr. Jack's "STAR".  Not a dry eye in the house, following Wayne's touching comments.  The FANS all talked of the great time we had just a year ago right there at the BIG E.  We walked about the grounds all day, partaking of the great food, enjoying the Peking Acrobats, and visiting with showfolks, the Rix Bears, Bob Commerfords animals, and the fabulous Circus Museum.........
We sure missed Father Jack...........................Respectfully submitted, Gary & Lisa Payne

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