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News Article

Father Jack Toner ON THE ROAD AGAIN! 
Posted 6/18/2005 1:20:36 PM  by Editor
News from Gary C. Payne viewed 698 times

Saturday, June 18, 2005 - Hartford, CT
FATHER JACK TONER is on the road again ! (Well - sort of) That is to say......members of CFA Tent No. 24 (named for Fr. Jack) is "on the road".

Travails began with a trip to NY to see Ward Hall's latest sideshow. Following the fabulous event with WARD HALL, @ the club's popular Plainville, CT venue (J. Timothy's) several members of the Tent treked to Wappingers Falls, NY, Friday night to see Ward Halls Circus Sideshow, entitled WOW! (World of Wonders) Barbara Connors, Ted Pelli, Doug & Sandi Cole, Shirley Sears, Gary & Lisa Payne traveled to NY and greeted Ward, who was talker in his traditional sideshow bally.... While Doug Cole has kept up with things side show, for many of us this was the first "10 in 1" in a decade or two. We very MUCH enjoyed our side show experience with 10 acts, mostly illusions, including a very accomplished sword swallower, blade box, bed of nails, magic, electric chair, headless woman, guillotine, spidora, serpentina, fire eating, and the corpse of an ages old 10' giantess. Uhuh. Most of all we enjoyed the traditional "talker" out Tent member WARD HALL! Thats right. Ward enjoyed himself with Tent 24 so much last week that he immediately requested membership. Ward took time out Friday night to talk to us about the sideshow's demise from the circus....attributing more to the "clock" than any other contributing factor. How true. Ward said, "....20% show up 10 minutes ahead of the circus, 20% come in late, the rest are right on the start time......" Who is going to go to the sideshow is the point?? It seems Ward would prefer to have his Ten in One on a circus midway.....alas there ARE NO here is Ward on the back end of a carnival at an event billed as a fair. The fans also enjoyed a free circus, freisian horse show, pig races, all provided by Serge Coronas, who also had his petting zoo there. "ON THE ROAD".......Tent 24 fans have been planning an event for JULY 3 at the Cole Bros. Circus in W. Springfield, MA. Father Jack would be delighted with this. (See our plans in "Events" section of this website. Yes - Fr. Jack Toner is (sort of) on the road again! Some of us will be staying overnight July 3 at the W. Springfield, Best Western. Care to join us? Oh yes..........there is more..........a number of Tent 24 fans will join with other CFA Tents to see Kelly Miller in Berlin, NY on July 9! See you down the road! Regards, Fr. Jack Toner/Bluch Landolf CFA Tent 24

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