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News Article

Circus Chimera and Circus Fan's Convention 
Posted 8/5/2005 8:29:27 PM  by Editor
News from Ed Limbach viewed 685 times

Friday, August 05, 2005 - Seattle, WA
Circus Chimera was the host circus for the National Circus Fans of America Convention in Seattle, Washington from July 12 to July 17th.

There were hundreds of fans from across North America who attended the convention - and this was the first time that many of the East Coast and Mid-West fans had the opportunity to experience the magic of Circus Chimera. We made believers out of every single one of them!! They were blown away by the performance and the quality of the show.

The show is heading south now; we got close to the Canadian Border for a second there and enjoyed the cool ocean breezes while the rest of the nation was experiencing a heat wave. Now we'll head towards California, spending August in beautiful Oregon. We're looking forward to meeting everyboy in Oregon, so make sure to tell your friends about us.

Don't forget how easy it is to give Circus Chimera as a free gift! You don't even need to buy someone tickets, just let them know about the show and they'll thank you. If you live in Oregon or California, tell everybody you meet and make a buzz about us; it will help us have a full tent and you'll be able to bask in our limelight as a giver of good suggestions. Even if you don't live there yourself, call up your Aunt Mildred or your old college roommate who does and let them know about us.

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