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News Article

Taps for the Circus Fan....Unless 
Posted 11/25/2005 10:37:40 PM  by Webmaster
News from Paul Tharp viewed 627 times

Friday, November 25, 2005 - News
Article from the past about the future of the CFA.

> In light of the ongoing discussions about organizational
matters with our circus organizations, I thought we might reflect on similar
problems going on back sixty-five years ago. In the April May 1940
issue of White Tops, the following article appeared penned by Don. S.
Howland. By the way, the White Tops of the era contained columns dedicated
to Circus Model Builders. Hope this will provide us additional
information as we deliberate some issues of today.
> Enjoy- Paul Tharp, CMB, CHS, CFA

> I am beginning to wonder if we Circus Fans haven't spent too much
time and thought on 'save the circus.' How about "Taps For Circus Fans"
unless. I sincerely believe here is a thought that should occupy our
minds and deserve some thoughtful pondering. Most of our circuses and so
called circuses are owned and managed by men who have had a great deal
of experience in this business. It is a conceded fact that we learn by
experience. If the circus fails, there is no one to blame except the
circus. The past twenty years have brought radical changes the same as
any other business. We who have loved the circus as of old will
have to learn to love the modernized circus. But, how about "TAPS for
Circus Fans---unless!"
> Why?
> 1) Lets get back to the fundamental principals of our organization as
laid down by our founders.
> 2) More Circus FANS and less joiners. Our organization was built by
men who loved the circus from the front door to the last tent stake in
the back yard. Let's get members who love the circus for what it gives,
not for what they can get out of it. We must have more real Fans!
> 3) How about our annual Convention? Has it been a success these past
few years? Has the same thought been put into the convention that made
them such outstanding successes a few years back? Our members come
from all over the United States to our Convention. They spend a lot of
time and money. Have they had their dollars worth?
> 4) We need leadersas of old. Strong men-men who have pep and fight.
Men who stir up enthusiasm and keep the old ball rolling 365 days a
year. Not just convention leaders, but daily leaders.
> 5) We need Tent meetings-Top Meetings and sectional meetings between
convention dates. Meetings with the old circus pep and zip. We must
modernize to exist.
> 6) How about cooperation with that grand guy, Walter H. who is giving
his time and effort and money to keep WHITE TOPS coming and what a
swell job he is doing. We Fans must send Walter the circus news in our
localities to keep up our Billboard colum. Get behind the WHITE TOPS and
let's give Walter all the help we can. We need press agents.
> 7) How about that grand old man who keeps our circus history. The
Colonel can use any historical facts we may dig up about the American
Circus. Hats off to Colonel Sturtevand and his articles on circus
> 8). Walter B has done and is doing a marvelous job of keeping our
finances. Let's get our dues to him on time and our correct address so
the roster will be up to date.
> 9) Let's get together- A United organizastion of Circus Fans of
America. We, as Americans are proud of a United States of America. We Fans
should be just as proud of a United Circus Fans of America. Let's
forget any differences we may have had and Fans of the East, West, North
and South and Central States united in a concentrated effort to make our
organization a real success.
> > Fans. Not tomorrow-not next week, or next month. But now!!!
> ---------------------------------

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