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Ringling Museum Review and Roadtrip 
Posted 2/2/2006 9:47:16 PM  by Editor
News from Gary & Lisa Payne viewed 645 times

Thursday, February 02, 2006 - Floriday
Like to know more about the Ringling Museum's new Tibbals wing or looking for a good roadtrip story?

Then read this review and roadtrip by Gary & Lisa Payne.

New Ringling Museums
Our visit to Sarasota and other FL Circus spots......

Curious about the"new" Ringling Museums, and other FLA circus opportunitys, and with 2 weeks unexpected time on our hands, Lisa & I made a spontaneous decision to drive 1400 miles to Sarasota. A goodly number of Tent 24 (Hartford,CT) members are in FLA this time of year.

We skipped invites to meet friends who work for RBBB (Blue) in Jacksonville, FL. We'll see them in Hartford, CT soon enough. We'll keep an open mind despite the horrible reviews of this show.

Driving up to mom and dad's house in Palm Coast, FL (we had decide to surprise them), we knocked on the door and achieved surprise! Next day Lisa & I, Mom & Dad (Bill & Gert Payne) drove to Daytona Beach, FL to catch RBBB (Gold). Our first "gold" experience. Good show, but it hurt our necks to sit where a Ring #3 would be, straining to the left, where the single ring was in the "Ring #1" position. Every other circus producer would center the ring. Don't buy "premium" seats at this show unless you get the front 2 positions......all seats being level on the floor. A few in the audience were heard to remark "......where is the rest of this show...", not understanding that the "Hometown Edition" is an abbreviated version. It also seemed odd that so much is made of the CEC for elephant conservation and then a single elephant performs. We were delighted however, to win the Pachyderm Painting! Despite the strain of watching Ring #1 from Ring #3 seats, we observed that this "small" show gets full fare at less cost. In fact, we paid $12. to see the "Greatest Show On Earth" in 3 rings and with 8 elephants at Bridgeport, CT, and Daytona Beach FL got $22. from us. Hmmmmm.

We checked in by phone with many FL "fans" and were soon overtaken with invitations! Having some CFA business to discuss with Jim Cole, we set out for St. Cloud, FL. Jim insists we meet him at Arabian Nights in Orlando. A TV documentary is being filmed there about bareback riding and every major such act is in town. Mark Karoly will come out of retirement to be in the film, and that makes our decision for us. Mom & Dad and Fred and Nancy Dulac accompany us. Thanks to Jim Cole we saw history in the making, records broken for television, and you may see us in the audience when this TV Special airs.

Lisa & I overnight for our next day meeting with Jim Cole to discuss CFA business. We share Jim's enthusiasm for involving young people with things circus and arrowing the route to CFA membership. Watch for this committee to make a difference in the near future. Our visit with Jim is the high point of the trip. His Model Circus is among the very best in it's class. Jim scratch builds in 3/8" scale with an eye for realism. Model railroaders would say it's a mix of scratch build and kitbashing. All Lisa & I can say is that it incorporates all our favorite things.... and looks like Cole Bros. and Christiani back in the 60's. We all ate out at a local restaurant enjoying a break from the "chain restaurant" food. We did not opt for the alligator, frog, and turtle on the menu. We part ways with Jim reluctantly.

On to Disney World for dinner at Chef Mickey's with CFA's Bob and Candace Pelton. Bob is now retired following a distinguised career as the Curator of the Bridgeport, CT Barnum Museum. We remain for the electric light pageant on the water near the Contemporary Hotel. Lisa & I overnight nearby and set out for the Tampa area next day for a visit with Shirley Sears, who winters nearby. A nice lunch with Shirley and we're on our way to Sarasota.........

Gary hadn't been here in 25 years. Lisa has never seen it. All we can say is WOW! When you plan to see the "new" Ringling Museums, better set aside two days. In the old days you' parked in the dirt lot and joined a handful of people for an afternoon. The Ringling Mansion, at times, looked as if it might not last. We drive up to see an all new entrance "gate" that is built to replicate the original entrance to Ca'd'Zan (House of John). Beautiful! One ques up with many to buy a variety of tickets. Here's our words of advise....... If you wish to see the mansion, they take advance reservations. We were there off season, and they were admitting thousands. We opt for the tickets which offer tours of the upper levels of the mansion as well as the lower level. This admits us to everything. To see it all (including the art museum) you' will need 2 days! (Hint: The art museum has "free" day - when we visited it was Monday) Arrive just before opening time, you'll be glad you did.

Our first impression of the Tibbal's building........uge replicate entrance marquee........trapeze rigging..........high wire rig....... Billboard size circus posters displayed in full in an area that is two storys high. Impressive.

The Howard Tibbals Circus covers "acres" of exhibit space. It is undenieably the largest miniature circus in the world. You will be impressed, as were we, and likely opt to circle it many times. (Hint: Bring appropriate camera equipment/flash is not allowed) For the model builders among us. ..the circus is layed out with an "artsy" look on what appears to be a bright green pool table felt. Much of it is enhanced with "puddles" of pebble framed sawdust for some reason. Tibbals had his 7,000 folding chairs manufactured in plastic, and guess what? You can buy them in the gift shop! What a souvenier! Perhaps the many other manufactured parts of his circus (figures and wagon wheels) will also become available?? Noticing different styles of wood carving in the "custom made" circus animals and circus personalitys, I'm not certain as to what percentage of this exhibit Tibbal's may have commissioned. We are told by a docent that Tibbals does his wagons and railcars and has 27 railcars to go......

The second level of the Tibbal's Building is as good as the first. Dunn's half inch scale circus parade is breathtakingly beautiful! It alone is worth the trip. Picture windows allow a bird's eye view of Howard Bros. Circus acreage below. Up here, Howard Tibbals has what appears to be a working workshop. We watched a video of Howard, sort of an interview. It is well done. Elsewhere are exhibits of circus advertising, videos, paper, costumes, even Barnum's furnishings. We spent 2 hours up here.

On to the "original" circus museum. There is some wood carving going on here meant to replicate the carving on circus wagons, but oddly it includes carousel horses. Feld Entertainment has provided a great assortment of circus costumes and elephant blankets worth seeing. The many "original" circus wagons are displayed here. The 5 Graces Bandwagon is breathtaking. There is a nice exhibit about the filming of the "Greatest Show On Earth" (Best Picture of 1952) that includes a few of the models Hollywood used to re-create the train wreck. Fans beware - the "circus backyard" exhibit remains "ruined". It will make you angry to see this large area utilized for meetings (according to the docent) Remnants of the "backyard" at each end make you thirst for what "was". Many of the old wagons are parked here side by side, moved out of the way for "meeting space". We intend to Email Ringling Museums to utilize meeting space elsewhere and put the "backyard" back. Many docents are also unaware of the CFA. We spot one pocket of CFA brochures in the old circus museum.

Henry Bush joined us with Gail (wife of Harold Barnes) for lunch at the Banyan Tree Cafe. Great food. The restaurant is a must if you don't want to leave the grounds. The food is very good. Eat here to maximize your time. On to the mansion........

In a word - awesome! Definatly opt for one of the upper level tours. Remember you should call a couple of days ahead. If a crowd is expected, they will take your reservation. Ca'd'Zan. The house of John (and Mable) Ringling. Having seen mansions before, this is the one that impresses. "What percentage of what we are seeing was here when John was here"?, I ask of the docent. "100%", the docent replys proudly. And with good reason. She proceeds to show photographs taken by Mable Ringling. "And all furnishings are placed where she had them exactly", says the docent. Indeed. If there is a mansion open to the public anywhere that can make this claim, I'd like to know where. This is incredible. A snack bar makes it possible for you to purchase refreshments, take them out onto the marble patio overlooking the bay, and enjoy yourself as did John & Mable Ringling. Visit off season, and you'll easily find hotels nearby for less than $60. a night.

Our Sarasota nights included a nice visit at the home of Henry Bush and a trip to the club house of Showfolks of Sarasota where Gary was the guest of Fred and Nancy Dulac. Gary (finally) got to meet Jenny Wallenda. Roy and Cindy Wells were there. Alas, they are not "coming out" this year on tour. One could spend a night discovering the hundreds of photos of circus celebritys. Another night, Lisa & I drive out to St. Armand's Circle. We tour the many bronze tributes to showfolks by flashlight, though the area is well lit. Fine shops and restaurants make this a destination we reccomend.

After two nights in Sarasota we visit the Ringling Museum's giftshop (no admission fee). We discover some more docents not aware of CFA. There is some work needed here isn't there? Before we leave, everyone working in the shop knows about CFA.

Lisa & I take the scenic route home.... Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, the Cape May Ferrry. Overnight at Atlantic City. We hit no jackpots here! Unbelievable off season mid week rates..........$49. a night at the Sands! I wanted to stay an extra night or two, but Lisa is homesick. This city is moving into more of a Vegas look. If you haven't been recently, make plans. Many buffets are of Vegas quality.

We got some... and went after more. So we've shared our views. We reccomend you "go see".

Gary & Lisa Payne

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