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News Article

Open letter from Stuart Pearson - Lost photos 
Posted 5/11/2006 8:13:25 PM  by Editor
News from Stuart Pearson viewed 639 times

Thursday, May 11, 2006 - CFA Website
Just a short while ago I sent all of you a lengthy e-mail asking for your help in attempting to recovermy Black & White negatives of the CB-CB show that I had.

Hello Fellow Circus Fans of America:
Just a short while ago I sent all of you a lengthy e-mail asking for your help in attempting to recover my Black & White negatives of the CB-CB show that I had, under a state depression and financial duress brought on by an ugly divorce, given to Jimmy (James)Platt. Jimmy and I quite recently had a warm, and extended phone conversation during which Jimmy stated that he no longer has those negatives, and feels that they might have fallen into the hands of a newspaperman from Miami. Where they are today remains a mystery. I am a former member of CFA, and also the photography organization of the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP). Most, if not all of you are aware of the fact that I contributed a pretty fair number of Color as well as Black & White images to the CFA website during 2005, and while I can't seem to locate the specific issues of White Tops I did two articles along with photos that appeared therein.
According to a onetime photographer who is now a lawyer that specializes in issues relating to photography, and other issues related to Fine Art. According to him the fact that some of the CB-CB Show Black & White images were  published in Chicagoland
Magazine along with my name therefore formally establishes my Copyright to said images. Jimmy said that he would be happy to return them to me if he knew where they were, and in his opinion they are truly museum quality.
What I requested was HELP from all of you, and from CFA overall by posting something to the CFA WEBSITE searching for the negatives, as well as conacting me with the identity of the person that has them. Also by posting something in White Tops requesting the return of said Black & White negatives to me their rightful owner by issues relating to Copyright.  
I have no idea how many of you read my note, or if any of you closely connected to the CFA Website, and White Tops Publications will actually take any action on my behalf. I would appreciate receiving a note from each of you regarding your willingness to offer your support in my effort to recover these negatives.
Best Wishes To All Of You!
Stuart Pearson

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