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News Article

Animal Welfare - CFA Summit @ Southwick Zoo 
Posted 8/10/2008 6:43:28 AM  by Webmaster
News from Gary C. Payne viewed 1779 times

Sunday, August 10, 2008 - Mendon, MASS.
According to the Southwick Zoo box office, the Fr. Ed Sullivan Tent/Fr. Jack Toner & Bluch Landolf Tent annual zoo/picnic/meeting confab drew 80 ticket holders........

According to the Southwick Zoo box office, the Fr. Ed Sullivan Tent/Fr. Jack Toner & Bluch Landolf Tent annual zoo/picnic/meeting confab drew 80 ticket holders.  About 60 of them came by the picnic pavillions at one point or another for a picnic lunch and some stayed to hear the speakers, former Nat'l CFA President Bob Kitchen, Feld Entertainment's MaryLou Kelly, and CFA's Gary Payne.  Jesse Deacon, of Southwick Zoo served as host.  The ZOO always attracts a crowd and always pleases.  It's circus connections most recently included Jenny Vidbel.  If you attended this event last year you saw her act ahead of that on RBBB.  (And you got to meet then newborn Percy the a star feature of RBBB!)

The Zoo picnic/CFA event usually attracts 25-30 fans and their familys.  Why the big turnout?  Animal Welfare was on the agenda.  Fans turned up from 5 states,  NH, ME, CT, MA, RI.  The latest opposing trends, targeting elephant rides via regulations, was discussed. Also the value of assisting our Rodeo fans as possible to do. Strategy was mapped.  Lists of supporters were compiled.  35 signed up to help in a CFA campaign yet to be launched.  We are waiting for some very important feedback from the industry before we begin.  While some of the names had previously been included in our campaigns, about 16 of them appear to be newly inspired pro-circus activists!  Fans continue to jump on the bandwagon!

We always enjoy a good time at the Zoo.  Entertainment consisted of Johnny Peers Muttville Comix and the Schacht family's Dondi the elephant.  Fans got to chat with our circus friends before and after the shows. 

Organized and promoted by fans Bob Kitchen, Barb Moore, and Jane Kycia, the Southwick event was highly successful despite a severe thunderstorm which hit in mid afternoon.  The determination of some fans, to impact favorably on the animal welfare issues was apparent.  Though the Zoo is an incredible attraction (and central to the northeast for the fans) many proceeeded directly to the picnic pavillion/headquarters...viewing only the zoo attractions that were en route...  "I want to know what I can do to help"?, said one fan who traveled from New Hampshire, attended the meeting, and then turned around and drove home. 

It wasn't that we had some brilliant new ideas.  Nor was the news much different than expected.  We did deliver to this group of fans some very specific information that we won't and cannot share on line.  The important thing accomplished was to gather together the fans who, in the northeast, will be at the forefront of our next campaigns.  To galvanize the spirit of cooperation and communication.  To shake the hands of our fellow pro circus pro performing animal friends.  To share what we cannot post on line.   An intrepid group of fans was still around at 4pm when another storm hit and brought an end to the day. 

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