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News Article

Donated Teeterboard Results in a QUADRUPLE BACK 
Posted 6/19/2003 8:00:22 AM  by Editor
News from Sammy Thatcher viewed 6599 times

Thursday, June 19, 2003 - Wenatchee Youth Circus
ATTENTION: Please read editor's note at the end of this story. Great Story From a Grateful Performer


In the March/April issue of the "White Tops" (2001 vol 74 #2) it was reported that the then CFA President Harmon Lyzenga and District 11 Director Vern Mendonca visited the Wenatchee Youth Circus and presented us with a teeterboard used by a Romanian troupe that had performed at Circus Circus. This was the key that unleashed the talent of our performers and gave the youth circus an act that would stand up to any teeterboard act around the country. Our act has grown and grown over the last two years. We replicated a second board from the first and excelled even more. Our finishing stunt last year was a Quadruple back performed by Kody Thompson(18). This year we have improved on the design thanks to the help of the Chimal family from Circus Chimera. The Romanian board and it's replica have been given to the Cascade Youth Circus in Maple Valley, Washington. And, I will be giving instruction over the next year to get them started. I would like to thank the CFA, Harmon and Vern for bringing this wonderful piece of equipment to us; and for the joy it brought when we performed on it.

Editor's note:  As a follow up to this story, we contacted Sammy Thacker and they currently have had some interest in sword and dagger act and are looking for a light weight,compact teeter board take off stand that would hold two people and is a minimum of 8 ft tall. If you know of available equipment that may be donated to this youth circus, please email

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