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News Article

CFA Tent 24 Announces Major Gift to Circus and Traveling Shows Retirement Project 
Posted 1/4/2005 10:59:02 PM  by Editor
News from Gary C. Payne viewed 997 times

Tuesday, January 04, 2005 - Hartford, CT
Father Jack Toner & Bluch Landolf Tent/CFA Tent #24 is delighted to announce a major gift to be immediately forwarded to Dale Riker for the Circus and Traveling Shows Retirement Project Inc. in honor of the late Fr. Jack Toner.

Father Jack Toner & Bluch Landolf Tent / CFA Tent #24 of Hartford, CT is delighted to announce today, that they are in receipt of a major gift to be immediately forwarded to Dale Riker for the Circus and Traveling Shows Retirement Project Inc. in honor of CFA Tent No. 24 namesake, the late Fr. Jack Toner.  Tent #24 has raised nearly $1800. to date, and received, on January 2nd, a check in the amount of $5,000.00, a gift from the family of Fr. Jack who requested the money be forwarded to Circus & Traveling Shows....    in Fr. Jack's memory.  "I know this would mean a lot to him (Fr. Jack)", said Mike Toner, nephew of Fr. John (Jack) Toner.  "Please give my best and thanks to the CFA folks of Uncle Jack's Tent."

The major gift to Circus and Traveling Shows Retirement Project was made known to Fr. Jerry Hogan, and Dale Riker today, January 4th, and announced at the CFA Tent No. 24 regular monthly meeting, at J. Timothy's, Plainville, CT.   The Tent holds it's meetings the 1st Tuesday of each month, Sept. thru May, with a Banquet in June.  Since the death of namesake Fr. Jack Toner, an empty seat is left at each meeting....with Fr. Jack's CFA Tent 24 hat and his picture.......lest we forget.  But any member of our Tent will tell you......."Fr. Jack hasn't left us, he's merely gone ahead, a stack of arrows under his arm........."  See you down the road Fr. Jack.


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