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News Article

Ringmaster Kimball Keller 
Posted 1/27/2005 9:24:02 AM  by Editor
News from Keller Family viewed 670 times

Thursday, January 27, 2005 - Jacksonville Florida
All American Ringmaster will again be back in the spotlight, as the show must go on! Kimball underwent Major open heart surgery on Monday the 17th.

Please pass along to everyone on Kimball's behalf.
All American Ringmaster will again be back in the spotlight, as the show must go on!
Kimball underwent Major open heart surgery on Monday the 17th. The doctors were able to replace his worn out Mitral valve with a brand new mechanical valve, they also closed a quarter sized hole that had been leaking blood since birth and the performed the Maze procedure that allowed the doctors to microwave small vessels in his heart to prevent Atrail fibrillation . He had no symptoms from this at all and within two months underwent surgery.

Kimball had an extremely rough time on the ventilator after surgery and an even rougher time with all the drugs. He is extremely grateful to all of the circus family for the prayers, cards etc.. He is home now after being in the hospital for 8 days and looks forward to speaking and corresponding with everyone when he is able. His doctors have cleared him for a normal life and lots of activity, so for those that know the old Kimball , watch out for even greater things to come, as he has been given a new lease on life.

Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes.

If you would like to send correspondence, please mail to :
Kimball Keller
14605 Camberwell Lane South
Jacksonville, Florida 32258

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