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News Article

Showfolks Tent 122 Newsletter - FROM THE OFFICE WAGON 
Posted 10/1/2005 5:31:39 PM  by Webmaster
News from Shirley Adams viewed 777 times

Saturday, October 01, 2005 - Sarasota, FL
An article from the new President of Showfolks Tent, Shirley Adams. Reprinted from the tent newsletter with permission.

Click THIS LINK for information on how to join Tent 122


Many of you may not know me, even though I have become your president for the 2005-2006 year. Although I have kept a rather low profile since joining your ranks a few short years ago, I feel that I possess the necessary credentials to provide the leadership you desire for the Showfolks Tent.

Let me begin with a few statements about my personal background. First of all, I have been married to Pete Adams for 41 years, and I am the mother of two married children: Randy, 32, who has recently moved to Franklin, Tennessee; and Terri, 28, who lives in Taneytown, Maryland. I taught in the elementary and middle schools of Howard County, Maryland, for 19 years before retiring in 1997. By the fall of 2003, Pete and I divested ourselves of property in Maryland and moved to sunny Sarasota.

At first I became a circus fan by association (with Pete), but I quickly joined the ranks of die-hard fans, attending any circus available and willingly chasing the arrows to unknown destinations, just to take in the marvel that is "circus". Over the years I have not only gained a deep respect for the circus arts, but I have been privileged to gain friends among performers as well as fans.

As a member of CFA I have made my share of contributions, and I hope that I have helped to keep the circus alive and well. During the last 25 years I have served as both Secretary and President of the Rudynoff Tent # 127 in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition, I have played a leadership role in a number of CFA activities:

  • Co-chaired two national conventions (Columbia, MD in 1987 and Ocean City, MD in 1999)
  • Organized and co-chaired the Kelly-Miller Circus Picnic for 20 years
  • Organized the Rudynoff Tent circus/brunch for RBBB in Baltimore for 10+ years
  • Helped obtain permits for Royal Palace Circus in Baltimore County and spearheaded the luncheon for Royal Palace employees and fans at one of their venues each year
  • Joined the fight of circus owners and fans at Senate hearings in Washington to keep animals in the circus and wrote letters to Maryland State Legislators when bills came before them

Now that I live in Sarasota, the nation's circus capital, I have been able to volunteer my services as an usher for the three local shows, and I volunteer in the archives division at the Ringling Museum as I try to do my part in preserving circus history. I am prepared to faithfully serve as president of the Showfolks Tent of Circus Fans. As a result, I won't attend choir practice at St. John's United Methodist Church the first Wednesday of each month. If I am to be absent from a meeting, however, the show will go on with a program in place.

I encourage you to not only participate in fan meetings, but to participate in the circus experience, by your attendance at the shows and , if able, your participation with ticket distribution, advertising, or ushering. Our local shows (Showfolks Circus, Circus Sarasota, and the PAL Sailor Circus), as well as other productions in the area, need to see that circus fans don't just meet to talk about circus, but that we are there , "in the flesh", supporting them.

Finally, I would expect nothing less than respectful participation at fan meetings so that we all feel that we have been heard , and the dignity of others has been preserved. We should feel that each evening together has been well spent. I hope to see you here at Showfolks Tent meetings as often as you are able so that we might enjoy the company of all of you who enjoy the circus. May all your days be circus days!

Circusly yours,
Shirley Adams

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