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News Article

Les and Rebekah Kimes New Circus Owners 
Posted 10/10/2005 8:44:50 AM  by Webmaster
News from David P. Orr viewed 3518 times

Monday, October 10, 2005 - Utica, NY
John McConnell, Producer / President of Circus Royal makes announcement at cast party. Prior to the center ring champagne toast John announced. That Les and Rebekah Kimes had purchased CIRCUS ROYALE.

CIRCUS ROYALE - Saturday, October 8, 2005 - Utica Memorial Auditorium - Utica, NY

John McConnell, Producer / President of Circus Royal makes announcement at cast party. Prior to the center ring champagne toast John announced. That Les and Rebekah Kimes had purchased CIRCUS ROYALE. Both John and Bob Connor, Vice President have been the powers behind Circus Royale from day one. Bob was present for the Utica date. Both John and Bob should be proud of the Utica Production. Presently with circuses deleting animal acts from their displays fans would be proud of the present edition of Circus Royale.

Francis Meeker, CFA NY State Chairman, David Orr, CFA NY, PA, NJ District Director 3 and a large group of New York Circus Fans were present to witness Bruno Blaszak and his beautiful tigers. And to think three of the seven were only two years old. One of the better tiger acts today. Watch for them in your area. Jorge and Lou Ann Barreda appeared with their African elephants assisted by their very beautiful 14 year old daughter Julia. Julia also made her ring one debut with a new hoola hoop act. The very young 7 year old Mercedes Page appeared with her family the Flying Pages.

New Circus Royale owners Les Kimes and sons with Cuzin Gumpty's Pork Chop Review. Rebekah worked with younger son Morgan in the opening and finale in conjunction with Circus Royale clown Patrick. With youth and animals involved, I don't believe the USA circus world are in such bad shape after all. Add the following acts, Gwee Ming , Giraldo's , trapeze, globe of death, wheel, Flying Pages and Jill Page on the roman rings and you have a major indoor three ring circus.

Circus Royale presented David Orr a plaque in front of the center ring for his dedication and contribution to the American Circus by Rebekah prior to the beginning of the second half. All in all the show was enjoyed by all ages. Next stop on the Circus Royale tour is Rochester, MN. Welcome new Circus Royale owners Les and Rebekah Kimes.

Remember take a child to the circus, because someday he may take you...

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