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News Article

White Tops is a Comin' 
Posted 2/9/2007 8:23:26 AM  by Webmaster
Announcement from WhiteTops Editors viewed 591 times

Friday, February 09, 2007 - Your Mailbox
The January-February White Tops is in the mail and several have reported getting it. It is 80 page, 40 color and more typical of the White Tops of days future.

Some notes:

1 - The regular deadline for White Tops will now be the first Monday of January, March, May, July, September, and November. But there will be adjustments for special things, like conventions. Late breaking news (including Tanbark) will be the following Thursday.

2 - First adjustment in deadlines: The normal White Tops deadline will remain May 7 for articles, etc. But the convention this year falls May 21-25. Waiting until the issue of July/August seems a long time to see reports on the convention. It is wiser to delay the magazine a couple of weeks and make a timely summary of convention items in the May/June issue.

3 - So we are asking all of you who have reports for the convention to please get copies to us by May 7 so we can prepare them for White Tops printing before we go to the convention. At the convention we will get the photos and news reports. We are asking Cheryl to get her official minutes out as quickly as possible for inclusion. Then when we return home we will add the convention coverage and go to press.

4 - We have started the circus preview with the current issue. If a circus visits your area this month, plan to see the show, get a lot of pictures and then write a story of what you saw. We want to get coverage of the many shows not yet covered so readers can get an idea of what is coming their way. We want members to see in White Tops what they can see at a show, not what they missed. The emphasis will be on PREview, not REview.

ASIDE: We want to especially thank Pete Adams and Maxine House for their yeoman's efforts to get so many preview stories for the current issue. They rose to the challenge and we appreciate the quality and quantity.

5 - We would like more reporting and photographs of tent and top events and meetings. A photograph and a caption are a good way to start. Let the whole CFA membership know what you are doing.

ASIDE: We really enjoy the many newsletters we are getting. But the photographs in them are not good enough quality to reprint in White Tops. An inkjet or laser printed picture just won't do it. So if you have a good photo, please send the picture to us via email, the submission website or as a real photograph we can scan.

ASIDE: If you have a digital picture, please don't send us an inkjet or store purchased print. Send us the real digital file. Digital prints contain dots (like magazine or newspaper photos) that cause an ugly pattern in the photo when scanned. The original file will result in a MUCH better picture in our magazine.

ASIDE: Don't assume a dark or technically bad picture is all bad. Many can be cleaned-up in Photoshop and used quite successfully. Send in the bad ones, too, Many can be saved.

6 - If you submit an obituary, please also send a picture or a place we can get a picture... especially of a CFA member. We try to get something on everyone but obits that come in just before deadline pose a problem. Help us out here.

7 - We are always looking for interesting content for White Tops. You will note a really wonderful poem on page 71 of the January/February issue. Really tugs at the heartstrings. We would like some more articles/stories/poems like this to run.

ASIDE: A special thanks to Sara Gordon who stopped by when she was in Columbus with "Annie". She gave us a CD with many wonderful pictures you will be seeing shortly. Some are in the current White Tops, too.

8 - If there is a youth circus in your area, please plan to attend. We would like more photographs and stories from some of the lesser well know units out there. We want especially photographs for both White Tops plus the CFA and Circus4Youth websites.

ASIDE: Be sure to read Pete Adams' story on the PAL Sailor Circus on pages 74-75. We want more articles and stories of this quality.

John & Mardi Wells, Co-Editors

The White Tops
Circus Fans Association of America
614-261-0454 (office, M-F)

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