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News Article

Meet Vern Mendonca Incoming CFA President 
Posted 3/13/2008 9:36:09 PM  by Webmaster
News from Ed Limbach viewed 700 times

Thursday, March 13, 2008 - Online
In keeping with a standing tradition the editors of the CFA web site introduce you to Vern Mendonca.


ED LIMBACH: Vern, for several years the Editors of the CFA Web Site have interviewed the incoming President of the Circus Fans Association of America ("CFA") well in advance of the person taking office. The interview will be featured on the CFA Web Site. We appreciate your willingness to chat with us about your interest in the circus and your upcoming induction as President of CFA. Let's begin by asking how long have you been a member of CFA?

Vern MendoncaVERN MENDONCA: My CFA number is 6676. That should give some indication of how long I have been in CFA. I have been a member almost 30 years. I believe it was 1979, when I went to see Circus Vargas in Sacramento, California. There I met Bill Biggerstaff, who was working the front door. We got to chatting and I told him that I enjoyed circuses and loved to attend as often as possible. He was the person who introduced me to CFA and also Circus Report. I never knew the two existed. I joined at that time and have been a member ever since, and have received Circus Report for the same period of time.

I think that it is fair to say that most people that have circus as a hobby got interested in the circus at an early age and they experienced a moment when they said to themselves the circus is awesome. Do you recall what got you interested in the circus?

Yes, I do. It was in the 1940's. My cousin, with whom I was very close, had a Grandfather who was a Shriner. Every year Grandma and Grandpa would take us to the Aahmes Shrine Circus in Oakland, California. (That show was always produced by Louie Stern and his Polack Bros. Circus). It was held in the Oakland Auditorium and was a very special event each year. I recall when I was about 9; my father took me to see Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. The show was set up next to the Oakland Auditorium. The Big Top was set up in the parking lot next to the Exposition Building, and the menagerie and front yard were set up inside the building. It was a wonderful show, and I was really impressed with the logistics of the show.

This was my first experience seeing a tented show, which got me so pumped up that I went home and started my own outdoor circus. I remember I had all my play trucks set up to haul the circus in the back yard. I would move the show from place to place in the back yard; set it up, perform, tear it down and move to the next corner of the property. It was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed playing circus in the back yard that whole summer.

Vern, I assume that you are retired. What was your line of work?

My line of work was in education. I was a high school business teacher. I retired from education in 1990, after 27 years in the classroom. My family also had a ranch, where we raised apples. I did this for 25 years in conjunction with teaching high school in Susanville, California. Since my retirement I have had numerous part time jobs, including working at Mervyn's Department Store, Orchard Supply Hardware Store, as a vendor for household goods. I am currently working as a substitute rural carrier at the post office in Port Angles, Washington.

Were you ever involved with a circus?

Yes, I was the Studio Teacher for the Carson & Barnes Circus when they played California in May and June of 1988. I toured with the show for six weeks, supervising children under 18 years of age that performed on the show. This is a Department of Labor regulation in California, to have supervision of young performers.

Do you have an opinion about the future of the tented shows left in America? Will they survive or will circus fans have to settle for arena shows and outdoor venues?

I think there will always be tented show of some sort. But they may be quite different than what we see now. It looks like we are moving to more one-ring shows. It will be interesting to see how long Carson and Barnes and other three ring shows hold out. With the cost of fuel and other sky rocketing expenses, I think the trend will be to make things smaller.

Your Circus Vern Web Site has been a huge success. What motivated you to create this venture?

First of all Circus Vern is not a Web Site. It is merely an e-mail service. It really started as a Chat Room. I remember that I got started when Richard Georgia from Rehoboth, MA, and I were chatting on line and he suggested starting an e-mail service. As an end result my Circusvern was born. I remember in the beginning that a time was set when a number of Circus Fans, who all used AOL., would get on line and talk about circus stuff.

How long has Circus Vern existed?

I wish I knew. But it has been a long time, probably 12-15 years.

I am impressed when people say Circus Vern is the place to go for the latest news on the circus world? Have you ever kept track of the number of hits your site gets in a year's time?

I have never kept track of this, as I have said Circus Vern is not a Web Site. The number of emails I have sent out in a year's time is unknown, probably a couple of thousand.

The past couple of years CFA has made a special effort to reach out to Youth Circuses.
The CFA Circus4Youth Web Site has been a great success and President Adam's program of sponsoring youth circus members as members of our Association has exceeded expectations for participation by our membership. Do you support the emphasis that is being placed on reaching out to Youth Circuses? Do you plan to follow the program established by President Adams?

Yes, I support the emphasis that is being placed on Youth Circuses, and I plan to continue the program established by Pete Adams, in fact I am asking him to continue to head the program.

It seems that each incoming President has areas of interest that he wants to focus on?
Do you have any specific goals for your term of office?

CFA seems to be running pretty smoothly now, and I would like it to continue on this positive note. One of my goals would be to get the membership up more than it is. Also I would like to see more members willing to run for office. I think competition is good, and would like to see more than one person running for an office.

Are there any other comments that you would like to make?

Yes, I hope we have a great year, and would like to see many folks attend the Convention in Las Vegas in June of 2009.

Vern,thank you for the time taken to let us introduce you to the CFA membership?You are an interesting personality and I enjoyed hearing of all your experiences. I know that you will make a great CFA President.


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